Hors'n Around Stables is small and personalized. Our group of boarder friends are wonderful, always encouraging and willing to lend a helping hand.
The stable offers stall boarding only. We believe in treating your horse the way a horse loves to be treated. We have five pastures which allows for a variety of turn out options. The stable is located off a quite road just minutes from interstate 35E and 694 and is an easy 10 minute access from the downtown cities. Our convenient location allows our boarders to have excellent trail riding at a variety of near by parks and camping facilities.
The stable has a heated barn, attached indoor arena, lighted outdoor arena, indoor wash stall with hot/cold water available year round. Boarders have access to our tack room with lockers, saddle racks, and of course, a bathroom for everyone is a must when you are out riding all afternoon. Space is also available for horse trailer parking.
All horses coming to board are required to have up-to-date coggins, all standard shots, de-worming, and dental care. We do require our de-worming schedule to be followed for the safety of the herd.
It is our desire to have happy, well adjusted horses for our riders to enjoy! Please call Lisa at 651-429-6748 for boarding details or to set up an appointment to visit our stable. 